Friday, 24 May 2013

The DARE Programme

What's great about being 12 or 13?  Who can we talk to if we have a problem?  Why friends are so important at my age?  Why might I start taking drugs?  These are just some of the questions we discussed during our DARE week.

Constable Ross taught us about legal and illegal drugs and the consequences of taking them.  He also showed us what happens to our lungs when we smoke.  Check out these photos...

One of these lungs is healthy, the other two... cancer.
Renae lighting the cigarette.
Constable Ross 'smoking'.
This cotton wool after only one smoke!

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

'Dress up as your Future Career' Mufti Day

Our School Council organised a mufti day to raise money for breast cancer research.

Some children chose to come in normal mufti, but lots dressed up for the parade organised by Lexi and Billy.  

The whole school turned out to watch each class 'strut their stuff' so that a winner could be chosen for the grand finale.  

The winning 'career' went to Jayden from Rimu who came dressed up as a very realistic Mr Hogan.

Lincoln Rotary Quiz

Matthew and Daniel represented Prebbleton School at the recent Rotary Quiz Night.  There were 16 teams altogether and the boys did us proud coming in forth equal.  They won a book voucher and were able to choose a book donated by Paper Plus in Hornby or Scholastic NZ.

Some of the questions were really hard, for example, What indigenous mammal has protection under the NZ Wildlife Act? Others were frustratingly easy, such as, Name the four Ninja Turtles? (they could only remember two on the night).

Getting ready for the first question.  Are they nervous smiles?

Receiving their certificates from Rotary.

Thursday, 16 May 2013

When I'm Gone - Cup Song

We've been looking at beat and rhythm in music.  Check out our cover of the 'Cup Song'.

Monday, 13 May 2013

Prebbleton School Cross Country

After being postponed twice, we finally ran in the cross country yesterday.

Congratulations to our place getters:

  • Year 7 Girls - Emily (1st) and Emma (2nd)
  • Year 7 Boys - Harry (2nd) and Cameron (4th)
  • Year 8 Girls - Amy (2nd) and Lexi (3rd)
  • Year 8 Boys - Kaito (1st), Jesse (4th), and Matthew (5th)

Sports Captain Amy welcomes everyone to the Prebbleton School Cross Country

Mr Hogan gets ready to escort the Year 5 girls over to the start line

Go Emily!  First place in the Year 7 Girls event

Lucy (from Rimu), Amy and Lexi after their race

Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Libby's Poem

In February some of us entered a poetry competition celebrating the launch of an online poetry page for New Zeland children run by poet Paula Green.

Although we didn't win a prize, Libby was asked permission for her poem to be published as part of an interview with poet John Parker.

Here is an excerpt from the website...

Reading John’s poem reminded me of the poem Libby  sent me from Prebbleton School in Christchurch. Libby is in Year 8. I really loved the way Libby has concentrated with her ears and eyes on a moment and made that moment come alive on the page. It took me back to my school days at Horahora Primary when the class was writing. I would feel my pen turn from the solid brick to something buzzing across the page. It was pure joy! Great job Libby — your pen got moving and now we have poetry.
Our published author.  Well done Libby!

Writer’s Block

It sounds like clicking pens and sighs of boredom.
It looks like flaring nostrils and tired eyes.
It sounds like frustrated hands and brains.
It looks like twitching eyebrows and loud tapping pens.
My pen is a brick, as solid as a brick.
It won’t move.

Prebbleton's Anzac Day Service April 25th

Reading the poem
Laying the wreath
Prebbleton War Memorial

Our school leaders, Billy and Lexi, read a poem and laid a wreath at the Prebbleton War Memorial on behalf of the community.

Lots of people came to the community event.  Samuel was there in his Scout uniform.